Good Day and Happy Halloween to All;
By the time you receive this edition of Temple Topics the election will be really heating up, so whoever you like please get out there and vote. Remember like Sean Penn said, “If you don’t vote, you don’t matter!”
Hopefully everyone had a happy and safe Halloween celebration, while practicing some moderation in sugar consumption.
On with the news, I am happy to report that the Grand Lodge session was a success, as usual, and our delegates have returned with their report. Thank you, for representing Berwyn Lodge this year. This year our delegates also returned, bearing gifts from the Grand Lodge for the years Award of Excellence. All our members and Officers will now be sporting bright shiny Grand Lodge pins acknowledging our achievements. Thank you once again to one and all for the dedication and continued service.
Tuesday October 14, 2008, marked the day of our usual stated meeting as well as being a First Degree initiation for two new Brothers. Everyone is happy to have both, Jad and Kenny, join the Fraternity and specifically Berwyn Lodge.
Berwyn Lodge and W.M. David Cruz have initiated something new for the incoming brethren. He has requested that the new members select a topic from their most recent Degree and present a short summary of the meanings and applications of these topics. At our next stated meeting, Tues. Oct 28, 7:00 p.m. we will hear a summary on, “Skill, Fidelity, and Industry” with a brief discussion to follow. It should be an educational experience for all who attend.
We would also like to thank W.B. Dominick and Bro. Adalberto for developing and providing the Lodge with several new DVDs for the education of the new brethren. This helps all of us stay interested and supports us continually building our Masonic brain power.
In September Berwyn Masonic Lodge hosted a Grand Lodge School of Instruction. The turnout of the Brethren was superb and we all had an opportunity to learn, ask questions and receive some guidance with respect to ritual. Everyone enjoyed themselves and after there was a chance to meet a plethora of members from the surrounding Lodges. Overall the event was a great success for all.
Sunday, October 26th will be the day for the Annual Veteran’s cook out at the Jesse Brown V.A. Hospital sponsored by the Knights Templar. Berwyn Lodge and many other Lodges from the area will be attending in force to provide the Vets with a steak dinner. Anyone wishing to attend and support the event is welcomed, please contact: Berwyn Lodge or Saint Elmo’s Commandery for details.
We would like to thank Bro. James Hrejsa for his participation and devotion to this year’s Alzheimer’s Walkathon. It was a wet and rainy day but Jim made the trip and made the walk in spite of the weather. (SQUISH)
From the Secretary: Dues Notices are on the way so please, be prompt!!!!! Or come on by and drop it off in person!!!! We really do not want to suspend anyone.
Congratulations to Bro. Lopez on getting married. He promises to take us all out, ON HIM, when he gets back from Florida.
A brief prayer request goes out for Bro. J.W. Servando and his family who are going through some medical issues. We are all there for you.
“Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” Lincoln’s Cooper Institute Address, February 27, 1860.