Another eventful month has passed and let me start by sincerely saying thank you Brethren.
On Friday the 13th in March, I hosted a Masonic Fellowship Discussion at my home. It was a very nice time allowing Brethren to get to know each other a little better outside of Lodge while partaking in Masonic Discussion concerning such topics as… Lodge Finance, Masonic Funeral Services and methods of improving contributions and outreach to the families of Brethren who have passed away, Membership Retention, Divestiture and more Ritual Discussion and interpretation, along with personal perspective and input on Masonry in general. Thank you to the Brethren who attended and contributed to the event. Those of you who missed it …I hope to see you at our next gathering.
In March, Berwyn Masonic Lodge also competed in the Eureka Challenge. With combining our Masonic Minds we were able to answer 100% of the questions correctly in 6 minutes and 26 seconds. Great Job Brethren!!
A 1st degree was conferred in March and I am proud to say that we now have a new Entered Apprentice. Congratulations Brother! Thank you, Once again to the Brethren who participated, the work was great and a strong impression was made on our new Brother.
On April 5th, with the help of Life Source and the efforts of our Charity Committee Chairman Bro. Jim Hrejza, Berwyn Lodge held a blood drive. Fellowship was enjoyed and Charity accomplished. 14 pints of blood were donated, it would’ve been nice to have more.. but nevertheless we were blessed with support that we were given and the volunteers that came out. Also, thank you to Josalyn, my little girl who put up fliers for the blood drive in the neighborhood..Thank you! Good Job! Remember Brethren your involvement is what makes Masonry successful…. please contact us to get involved in any event or just to join us in Fellowship.
Berwyn Masonic Lodge will have our Past Masters’ Night at our Lodge on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Dinner will be served at 6pm. Any and all Brethren are welcomed. We hope to see you there.
A 3rd Degree will be conducted on Tuesday, May 5th at our lodge. Please contact Brother Secretary or Myself if you would like to volunteer for this night, any future degree work or if you are interested in joining the 3rd degree team that we are organizing.
I will complete by requesting prayers for Worshipful Brother Galo Lopez, Worshipful Brother Eddie Worazek and the Family members’ of Brethren who are ill. Our prayers are with you.
Thank you Brethren,
Hope to see you soon,
Sincerely & Fraternally,
W.Bro. David Cruz