Berwyn Lodge held its annual election of officers on June 8, 2010. The elected officers for the 2010-2011 Masonic year are:
WM-elect: Terry Young, CLI
SW-elect: Jim Hresja
JW-elect: Gabriel Monroy
TR-elect: Jose Padilla
SE-elect: W.B. Luisito Fanlo
SD-appointed: Alejandro Cabral
JD-appointed: Antonio Castro
SS-appointed: Thomas Pott
JS-appointed: Antonio Vicera
CH-appointed: Francis Awad
MA-appointed: Charles Raymond
TY-appointed: Darin Gonzalez
OR-appointed: W.B. Stanley Freese
The installation of officers is scheduled for July 11, 2010 at 2pm (officers and installing officers to arrive at 1pm).