Berwyn Lodge had the pleasure of hosting three visitors from the Republic of Benin (West Africa) during the final stated meeting of W.B. Terry Young’s term as Master. W.B. Romain Atikossi, 33º Grand National Inspector of the Grand Lodge of Benin, together with his sons, Bro. Stravadjo Atikossi (Fellowcraft, Marion Lodge # 6 of Iowa, scheduled to receive his 3rd degree on June 29) and Mr. Dave Atikossi, joined the Berwyn brethren for dinner and Bros. Romain and Stravadjo attended the stated meeting and introduced Dave, who expects to petition for degrees in Berwyn Lodge, after the closing. Bro. Romain is visiting from Benin; his sons reside in Illinois. During the meeting, Bro. Romain offered fraternal greetings and expressed his interest in ties between his lodge and Berwyn; he expects to return to Chicago again in November.

W.B. Alan Schwartz (left) W.M. Terry Young, Bro. Romain Atikossi 33º Grand National Inspector Great Lodge of Benin (West Africa) Bro. Stravadjo Atikossi (Marion Lodge # 6 of Iowa) on the right. Not pictured: Mr. Dave Atikossi.