Upcoming events can always been seen on the lodge website, as well as on the Berwyn Lodge Facebook page maintained by Bro. Alejandro Cabral.
New officers
On July 10, Berwyn Lodge installed most of its new officers for the upcoming year. Here’s the list:
Worshipful Master James Hrejsa
Senior Warden Kenmond Eng
Junior Warden Alejandro Cabral
Treasurer Juan Morado Jr.
Secretary W.B. Luisito Fanlo
Chaplain Jose Padilla
Senior Deacon Antonio Castro
Junior Deacon Brigido Tan
Senior Steward Antonio Vicera
Junior Steward Charles Raymond
Marshal Gadi Levi
Tyler W.B. Terry Young II
Assisting in the installation were W.B. Alan Schwartz (Installing Master), R.W.B. Craig Short (Installing Marshal), W.B. Jerry Filippi (Installing Chaplain), W.B. Joseph Consolo (Installing Secretary), W.B. David Sedivy (Installing Senior Deacon), and Bro. Omar Ali (Paul Revere Charges). W.B. Fanlo’s wife Helen assisted with flowers, and W.B. Hrejsa’s wife Mary covered the new Master with the hat during the ceremony. Photos of the installation by Bro. Helius Deguevara are on the website; see if you can spot the clown noses!
And, in honor of a new Master and officers, and a new Masonic year, a little except from Bro. Carl Claudy’s “The Master’s Book” follows:
Masons are not “men with pins on their coats.” Masonry is a vital force in the lives of many; one touch on the right key and Masonic enthusiasm simply pours out of members.
A brother was injured and a blood transfusion necessary. The Master of his Lodge learned it on the night of a third degree. It was his custom to make a little talk before each ceremony on one of its significances. An opportunist, the Master junked his prepared speech and spoke for five minutes on the Five Points–then called for volunteers for the blood transfusion.
Fifteen brethren rose to clamor for the chance to show their Five Points meant something to them.
The Master of a small midwestern Lodge, poor in finances, had a pressing relief case; a brother had lost his home by storm. He had told the Lodge about it. The Treasurer arose to say: “But we have no money, Worshipful.”
“Who said anything about money?” retorted the Master. “I want volunteers with tools, who will give each a day’s work, two days, whatever you can spare. We can’t buy Brother Jones a new home, but we are sorry sons of pioneers if we can ‘t build one !”
Thirty-four men rebuilt Brother Jones’s home for him, and then pleaded with the Master for “another happy time and good day’s outing like that!”