Berwyn Lodge conferred two first degrees on April 21, 2015, joined by visitors from Riverside Lodge and the United Grand Lodge of England.

Berwyn Lodge #839 conferred the third degree on Bro. David Atikossi on March 17, 2015. Thanks to the brethren who attended and our distinguished visitors who helped out and made the degree particularly special, including RWB Bruce Maxwell, RWB Bob Mikulecky, WB Henrik Schrader, WB Joe Broz, WB Bob Vighi, and Bro. Lary Saladin.

St. Elmo Commandery #63 Knights Templar presented a certificate of congratulations to W.B. (and Sir Knight) Tony Castro for his installation as Worshipful Master of Berwyn Lodge. W.B. Alan Schwartz, Thrice Illustrious Master of Siloam Council #53 R&SM, presented the certificate on behalf of the Commandery and the other Montclaire York Rite bodies.
Berwyn Lodge held its annual meeting and election of officers on June 10, 2014. Officers elected for the next Masonic year are:
WM-elect: Tony Castro
SW-elect: Brigido Tan
JW-elect: Antonio Vicera
TR-elect: Juan Morado, Jr.
SE-select: W.B. Luisito Fanlo
In addition to the election, masonic education presentations, and other business, the Montclaire York Rite bodies recognized W.B. Pat Coletta for his term as Worshipful Master several years ago.
Photos behind the link…
Continue reading Annual meeting

Come join us on Memorial Day weekend for this charitable fundraiser.
Berwyn Lodge #839 has been recognized by the Grand Lodge of Illinois for participating in or co-sponsoring three Masonic Community Days events.

The most recent was the Salute to Hospitalized Veterans steak fry at the Jesse Brown VA Hospital in Chicago on October 20, 2013.

Pictured (l to r): WB David Cruz, WB Alejandro Cabral, WB Jose Villarreal, Jr. WB Kenmond Eng, Bro. John Zignich
The 2012-2013 officers, led by WB Kenmond Eng, returned from the 2013 Grand Lodge Communication with the Grand Master’s Award of Excellence for their activities during their year!
 WB Kenmond Eng and Bro. Brigido Tan with the Grand Master’s Award of Excellence at the 2013 Grand Lodge communication
August events at or by Berwyn!
- Monday August 5 – Brethren please join us as we make our first Lodge Visitation. We will be visiting Western Springs Lodge #1136 for their first degree. 1215 Chestnut St, Western Springs, IL, at 6:30pm.
- Tuesday August 6- Azure Masonic lodge along with Berwyn Masonic Lodge will be co-sponsoring an IL-CHIP (Illinois Child Identification Program) event at the Chicago Police Department 9th District Station at 3120 S Halsted St Chicago, IL 60608, at 5:30-8:30pm.
Continue reading August 2013 events
Berwyn Lodge’s officers for the upcoming Masonic year will be:
WM – Bro. Alejandro Cabral
SW – Bro. Antonio Castro
JW – Bro. Brigido Tan
SEC – W. Bro. Luisito Fanlo
TRE – Bro. Juan Morado Jr.
CH – Bro. Juan Ventura
SD – Bro. Antonio Vicera
JD – Bro. Juan Merced
SS – Bro. Josue Nunez
JS – Bro. Carlos Lopez
MAR – Bro. Ryan Dortch
TR – W. Bro. Kenmond Eng
The Installation of Offices is being planned for Sunday, July 21.
Continue reading 2013-2014 officers
A photo from the February 26th courtesy 2nd degree conducted by Berwyn for Riverside lodge.
