On February 12, Berwyn Lodge welcomed Right Worshipful Brother Russ L. Schlosser, Past Master of Nunda Lodge #169. Bro Schlosser spoke about his experiences at the World Trade Center on 9/11 in a presentation described by attendees as riveting (photos below).
On February 26, Berwyn Lodge conducts courtesy second degrees at Berwyn for Riverside Lodge #862, hot on the heels of their finely-executed courtesy degrees on January 22.
Photos below from Berwyn’s visit to an Evening at the Scottish Rite and the 173rd annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Illinois.
Grand Lodge, Oct 5-6
Picture 1 of 3
Berwyn's three principal officers with MW Grand Master Terry L. Seward
Brethren Concerned,
If you find your name listed below, please call me ASAP at 773-941-9929 or E-mail me at berwynlodge839sec@gmail.com. This message will also be posted in our official website.
Continue reading Second note from WB Secretary
Berwyn Lodge has recently had the pleasure of hosting two Masonic education speakers, with a third visiting on October 23. Read on for more details!
Continue reading Masonic speakers!
To whom this notice may concern:
In our stated meeting of July 24, 2012 our lodge voted to recommend to the Grand Master to suspend 57 members for Non Payment of Dues (NPD) that ranges from 1 year up to 7 years delinquent. As you may know, our lodge exerted all possible efforts to communicate and possibly collect from our delinquent members, including; summons to appear in any stated meeting, telephone calls, last notice to pay dues and an amnesty that reads:
In accordance to the Grand Lodge Retention Program, please take due notice that BERWYN LODGE # 839 agreed to give amnesty to delinquent members who owes the lodge more than one (1) year of dues with a reasonable arrangement: “That they pay the current Dues amount of $50 plus $10.00 per capita per year owed” Berwyn Lodge #839 acknowledges the challenges we are facing during this recession. Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we are here to listen.
Continue reading For members behind in dues (From WB Secretary)
The 118th annual installation of officers took place on July 8, 2012, with the full complement of new officers installed and over 70 guests.
As pictures from the 2012 Installation of Officers come in, they’ll be added here (more can be found on the Lodge’s facebook page).
2012 Officers
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Front row (l to 2): Josue Nunez (MA), Brigido Tan (SD), Alejandro Cabral (SW), Kenmond Eng (WM), Tony Castro (JW), Antonio Vicera (JD), Reginald Johnson. Second row (l to r): Juan Merced, Jr. (JS), Ed Powell (CH), Chuck Raymond (SS). Back row (l to r): Juan Morado, Jr. (TR), WB Jim Hresja (IPM, TY), WB Dave Sedivy, WB Alan Schwartz, WB Luisito Fanlo (SE), WB John Rivera
The following brethren have been elected and appointed officers of Berwyn Lodge #839 for the 2012-2013 year:
WM – Bro. Kenmond B. Eng
SW- Bro. Alejandro Cabral
JW – Bro. Antonio Castro
TRES – Bro. Juan Morado Jr.
SEC – W.Bro. Luisito P. Fanlo
SD – Bro. Brigido M. Tan
JD – Bro. Antonio Vicera
MAR – Bro. Josue Nunez
CHAP – Bro. Edward Powell
SS- Bro. Charles D. Raymond
JS – Bro. Juan Merced
TYLR – W.BRO. James R. Hrejsa
Bro. Helius DeGuevara will be taking over as building manager.
The installation of officers will take place on Sunday, July 8, at 2pm; families are welcome (with officers and installing officers to arrive at noon). Dinner will be served thereafter.
Continue reading 2012 election results
1. Our Lodge will be dark this Tuesday, Dec 27. The building will be closed.
2. 2012 dues cards are now available. Your early payment will help OUR lodge operation. Thank you for those who have already paid.
3. I am working on the Grand Lodge MORI system where I may update member’s information on my end. If you need some changes or additions into your profile, please email it to me at berwynlodge839sec@gmail.com
4. If you received a “final notice to pay dues” and you feel I made an error, please don’t hesitate to call my attention. You may email me or call me at my Cell Phone # 773.941.9929. I will be very happy to make corrections to rectify the problem.
Below are the lists of brethren who have not updated their address and or contact information. Mails came back as “Bad Address” or “No such
address”. I would like to request each and everyone’s assistance that If you happen to know anybody listed below to please inform them of this message.
Continue reading From the Secretary
Upcoming events can always been seen on the lodge website, http://www.berwynlodge.org as well as on the Berwyn Lodge Facebook page maintained by Bro. Alejandro Cabral. Our newest Masonic education event is a two-part showing of Mozart’s opera “The Magic Flute” with discussion of the Masonic symbolism. Act 1 will be shown on November 1, and Act 2 on November 15 at Berwyn Lodge. We are likely to have several degrees coming up, and the lodge holiday party on November 29.
If you haven’t been to Berwyn in a while, come back and see us!
Continue reading October Temple Topics