February Temple Topics

Welcome to newly affiliated Bro. Pat Lynch, and to new EA Edward Powell.


Upcoming events can always been seen on the lodge website, http://www.berwynlodge.org as well as on the Berwyn Lodge Facebook page maintained by Bro. Alejandro Cabral. Some notable upcoming events in the next month include:

Continue reading February Temple Topics

January Temple Topics

Happy new year, Brethren, and congratulations to our newly initiated entered apprentice, Bro. E. L.!


Upcoming events can always been seen on the lodge website, http://www.berwynlodge.org. There are a series of finance committee meetings planned for some of our first Tuesdays, and Masonic discussions for upcoming fifth Tuesdays, in addition to our usual stated meetings and degree work.

Esoteric Masonry: Some thoughts

Masonry is without a doubt the largest and most successful fraternity in the world. Although its numbers have dwindled in the past few decades, the years since the turn of the century have also seen an upswing in young men coming to Masonry. In many cases, these men are looking for something – something more than a social club or even a charitable cause.

Continue reading January Temple Topics

Past Master’s Night – Apr 26

An open invitation to all Past Masters of Berwyn Masonic Lodge #839 and to its neighboring Lodges whither so ever disperse.

Greetings Brethren!

As a token of appreciation to your valuable contributions as Past Master of Berwyn Masonic Lodge #839 and to the Fraternity, it is our utmost pleasure to invite you to an evening of fun-filled fellowship in our Lodge; located at 6836 West Cermak Rd. Berwyn, Illinois on April 26, 2011. Dinner is serve at 6 o’clock PM and stated meeting will follow promptly at 7 o’clock PM. Past Masters from other lodges are welcome to join us.

Please RSVP before April 12, 2011 to the following Brethren: W.Bro. Luisito Fanlo, Bro. Alejandro Cabral & Bro. Gadiel Levi, or email us at berwynlodge839sec@gmail.com.

No visitation – Jan 25

Note: LaGrange cancelled its first degree, so the Jan 25 stated meeting will be at Berwyn as usual.

In lieu of our stated meeting on January 25, 2011, Berwyn Lodge #839
will make a lodge visitation to La Grange #770 located at 1215
Chestnut. Western Spring, IL.

They have a first degree conferral scheduled that night and we are requested
to help out in any way we can. We will convene at 6PM.

(Obviously, this means Berwyn itself will be dark that night.)

November Temple Topics

Greetings, Brethren. This will be a short article – my plans for a longer one were derailed in order to visit a sick brother in the hospital, a decision for which I make no apologies. Congratulations go out to our three newest Master Masons: Fred Acosta, Juan Morado, and Felipe Valdez, as well as to the eight(!) new 32nd degree Scottish Rite brethren who were made Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in Nashville. For myself, I’m planning to begin doing the AASR Southern Jurisdictions “Master Craftsman” correspondence course, and I’ll see who I can interest in doing it with me!

Continue reading November Temple Topics

Roundtable fellowship night

On Tuesday November 16 30, SD Bro. Alex Cabral is organizing a round table fellowship night. Join us for an open and informal discussion of our craft to gain new insights and enjoy fellowship.

October Temple Topics

Greetings, Brethren. I am writing Temple Topics today from Belgaum, India, in the southern state of Karnataka. Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of attending the installation and festive board of Chapter Victoria No. 96, Royal Arch Masons, under the Grand Lodge of India. As I have found to be usual in my travels, the hospitality was warm and brotherly (companionly?) The associated lodge (Victoria No. 9) is 150 years old, and the hall over 100 years old. The layout of the Chapter, names and clothing of the officers, and some elements of the ritual differ from ours, but only on the surface (I was relieved to find that the sign and words were the same). As you may know, in India, five volumes of the sacred law are laid on the altar: the Bible, the Bhagavad-Gita (Hindu), the Koran (Islam), the Zend Avesta (Zoroastrian), and the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh). They use 6 lesser lights, in two interlocking triangles. The Mark Master degree is not part of their Royal Arch Chapter, but is conferred in a separate Mark Master’s Lodge. And, of course, alcohol is permitted at the festive board, which concludes with a series of toasts.


Upcoming events can always been seen on the lodge website, http://www.berwynlodge.org. The Worshipful Master has been conducting practice sessions for officers and members on special meeting nights that do not have degree work scheduled. Bro. Alex Cabral, Senior Deacon and lodge education officer, will also soon kick off a new Masonic education program for meetings. And our Secretary, W.B. Luisito Fanlo, has finally returned to the U.S.!

Grand Lodge news

Berwyn Lodge received the Grand Master’s Meritorious Award for the past Masonic year, an achievement for which the brethren should be very proud. This also gives W.M. Terry an even higher goal to aspire toward this year: the Award of Excellence.

Word puzzle

The following cryptogram is a well-known sentence from a Masonic lecture. Can you figure it out? Each letter stands for a different letter (but is consistent throughout the puzzle).


Masonic thought for the day

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.  Small people always do that, but really great people make you feel that you too can become great.” – Bro. Mark Twain

September Temple Topics

Greetings, Brethren. As your new Temple Topics article editor, I’d like to give a big thanks to Bro. Darin Gonzalez (aka S. Dogood) for his past work on the articles, and all his help in letting me know how it’s done.

As you’ve probably noticed if you’ve been at lodge, Berwyn has a very capable and dedicated new group of officers. That’s a good thing, because interest in Masonry in general seems to be on the rise, and Berwyn has been enjoying the opportunity to make new Masons and Brothers. As a case in point, welcome newly-initiated Brother Juan Morado, and congratulate Bro. Fred Acosta for his recent completion of the first degree catechism (long form). It looks like many of Berwyn’s offices and Master Masons will also be joining the Scottish Rite at the November reunion, as well.
Continue reading September Temple Topics

July degree work

We have a busy month for degree work in July:

July 20th:  first degree with 2 candidates

July 27th: stated meeting followed by a third degree for 2 candidates

As usual, dinner will be at 6pm and the work will begin at 7pm sharp. If you want to help out, contact Bro. Senior Warden, Jim Hrejsa.

2010-2011 officers

Berwyn Lodge held its annual election of officers on June 8, 2010. The elected officers for the 2010-2011 Masonic year are:

WM-elect: Terry Young, CLI

SW-elect: Jim Hresja

JW-elect: Gabriel Monroy

TR-elect: Jose Padilla

SE-elect: W.B. Luisito Fanlo

SD-appointed: Alejandro Cabral

JD-appointed: Antonio Castro

SS-appointed: Thomas Pott

JS-appointed: Antonio Vicera

CH-appointed: Francis Awad

MA-appointed: Charles Raymond

TY-appointed: Darin Gonzalez

OR-appointed: W.B. Stanley Freese

The installation of officers is scheduled for July 11, 2010 at 2pm (officers and installing officers to arrive at 1pm).